This is the last picture I have of my mother (age 97) and me in her apartment.
While we were waiting to do a family conference call during her transition into the nursing home. I felt like writing. I wrote this the day before Thanksgiving, Novermber 25,2009
Time ticks on and yet stands still.
I await the call but wish it would never come.
The past has become the old
and the old must become history.
How can I embrace the new?
"the new"...strange words, and yet we face them everywhere.
Some 'news' we embrace--new shoes, new sunrises, new cars, new toys
But what about the 'new tomorrows' - the new that we don't know?
The shoes that we can't be fitted for - the srormy horizonswe never expected
Or perhaps we'd put it off into the distant future.
But now tomorrow becomes today - to time frames collide into one.
How then do I embrace the new?
The familiar becomes the old. The familiar home. The old clock on the wall. The old address. The tattered old blankieThe door so gladly opened - now securely locked for its final time.
How do I embrace this new?
What have I that's's hidden secure? What have I to bring me into the new?
What jewels/ What treasures? What gold have I for tomorrow's today?
Where find I hope, my strength or my faith?
What hand have I told hold to guide me into tomorrow's today?
I solemnly wait...timeticks on and yet stands so very still.
I search my heart for what I need to embrace - tomorrow's today, the old turned new!
yes, there's a hand - A tug at my heart - The call has come and I have found God's grace was on the line. For He has borne my sorrows. He has carried my grief. I can let go of tomorrow for today I find grace to embrace the old tunred new.
Today I find grace to embrace the old turned new - my tomorrows today