Yesterday we had our Primaries here in Wisconsin. For those of you who voted, I want to say, "thank you."
Thank You for Voting
By Lydia Chorpening
Thank you for voting
For making your voice known
Thank you for standing up
And letting our liberty be shown
The ones gone before us
Have paid with their lives
To give us this freedom
Sacrificing husbands and wives
When you’ve gone to the poles
You’ve done a duty that’s brave
You’ve stood for our country
That our little ones might be saved
With elections in November
We must vote righteousness in
We need to make intercession
To save our country from within
So thanks again for voting
Each voice counts a score
Your vote is important
For righteousness to be restored
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
The Tree

There is a tree that really haunts me
This same tree also intrigues me
It’s a tree that marks the land
Standing alone with bare-stripped hands
Where lightening once struck its place
It’s fashioned with enduring grace
Its heart pumps sap up through this tree
Where strength still proclaims its dignity
One knows this tree has stood its place
It’s marked its spot with endless grace
From the gnarly boughs with hands bare-clean
Protruding from its core of luscious green
From deep inside – somewhere out of sight
This tree has drawn unusual might
There is a root that taps a well
From the unseen where resources dwell
Its deepened soul refused wind’s sway
While other trees fell to their decay
Even though this tree shows scars of pain
In its central core true life remains
This is the life that God provides
When roots like these grow deep inside
Why does this tree haunt and intrigue?
It’s because I think - this tree is me.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
New Release

This new study guide will be an effective tool to use along with the Text book; The Seven Robes of Jospeh: Steps to Fulfilling Your God-given Dreams.
You may purchase the Text book online or order it together with this study guide by emailing Lydia at
This study guide is a 64 page study developed and illustrated by Lydia. It is produced on glossy 8 1/2x 11 3-ring hole punched for your convenience. The price is $12.00 (price included tax)plus $3.00 shipping and handling. If you order both the second edition of the Text book and the study guide you can save $5.00 and purchase both for just $25.00.
Thanks for bearing with me while I get my website updated. You can order my materials by emailing me at:
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Peace that Passes Understanding
Persecuted Christians say, “Don’t pray that we will stop being persecuted, but that we will remain faithful through our persecution.”
Is. 45:7 “I form the light, and create darkness. I make peace andcreate evil. I the Lord do all these things.”
John 14:27 I give you peace not as the world gives.
The world tries to give peace that is the absence of evil. Christ’s peace is peace in the middle of life’s crisis. This verse was spoken right before Christ’s crucifixion. He knew what would befall His disciples and yet He told them to be at peace because that was a gift He was giving.
II Tim. 1:7 When Valencia was young she would wake up with nightmares. We taught her this verse and in her childish voice she quoted the Scripture and passed through that harassment.
John 8:44 tells us that Satan is the father of lies. So if God gives peace, and we are attacked by the spirit of fear, and Jesus promises that He has already given us His peace, we can be sure that Satan is lying about the very thing that God says He will prosper. Satan opposes that, and when he does, we know he is lying.
A contest on painting pictures of peace. Many tranquil scenes were entered into the contest. The one with the stormy skies and raging ocean won! It had the little dove in the cleft of the rock. That is the picture of God’s peace.
To stay in God’s presence is to stay in His peace!
To stay in the peace of God, we must hear the voice of God! Ps. 85:8
This verse ends with , “let him not return to his folly.”
Ex 24:3,7 versus 32:1-6 show the children of Israel returning to their folly.
Areas that we need peace in:
Relationships/ offenses: Ps. 119:165
Afflictions Ps. 119: 50, 71
Bad news Ps. 112:7
Turmoil/ storms of life: Mk 4:37-39; Jh.16: 33 (could be marriages, finances, work, etc)
Peace at night Ps. 3:5; 4:8
Peace from fear Is 26:3
Peace at death Acts 7:55, Steven’s death.
Is. 45:7 “I form the light, and create darkness. I make peace andcreate evil. I the Lord do all these things.”
John 14:27 I give you peace not as the world gives.
The world tries to give peace that is the absence of evil. Christ’s peace is peace in the middle of life’s crisis. This verse was spoken right before Christ’s crucifixion. He knew what would befall His disciples and yet He told them to be at peace because that was a gift He was giving.
II Tim. 1:7 When Valencia was young she would wake up with nightmares. We taught her this verse and in her childish voice she quoted the Scripture and passed through that harassment.
John 8:44 tells us that Satan is the father of lies. So if God gives peace, and we are attacked by the spirit of fear, and Jesus promises that He has already given us His peace, we can be sure that Satan is lying about the very thing that God says He will prosper. Satan opposes that, and when he does, we know he is lying.
A contest on painting pictures of peace. Many tranquil scenes were entered into the contest. The one with the stormy skies and raging ocean won! It had the little dove in the cleft of the rock. That is the picture of God’s peace.
To stay in God’s presence is to stay in His peace!
To stay in the peace of God, we must hear the voice of God! Ps. 85:8
This verse ends with , “let him not return to his folly.”
Ex 24:3,7 versus 32:1-6 show the children of Israel returning to their folly.
Areas that we need peace in:
Relationships/ offenses: Ps. 119:165
Afflictions Ps. 119: 50, 71
Bad news Ps. 112:7
Turmoil/ storms of life: Mk 4:37-39; Jh.16: 33 (could be marriages, finances, work, etc)
Peace at night Ps. 3:5; 4:8
Peace from fear Is 26:3
Peace at death Acts 7:55, Steven’s death.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
The Most Difficult Becomes the Best
By Lydia Chorpening
The hazy skies pressed their relentless heat upon me as I left my familiar world of San Antonio, Texas. Heading into Wisconsin’s northern zone left me less than excited. I was leaving, not only my familiar, my past, my three teen-age daughters, but also what I thought was a call of God.
Needless to say, although I left skid marks from my emotional heels digging into Interstate 35 all the way north, this was the place that God had brought me to—a place of being stripped bare of my identity, my glowing crown of being an overseas missionary. I had no beautiful daughters to push ahead of me as I stepped into a new world and into a new church.
Of all the many moves we had made prior to this one, none seemed as difficult to me. Leaving Iowa, living in Missouri, owning a home in Florida, the on-campus life in Texas and even the moving about in the Philippines had not prepared me for this challenge.
Russell, my husband, saw the job opportunity and the privilege to get out of the big city. I stepped unwittingly into the opportunity of working with developmentally disabled adults. Even though it took me years to respect and embrace this new ministry it proved to be a God-place.
During this time period God begin to pry open my heart to the clutter I held onto. As I was released from the bondages of fear, legalism and a failure mentality, God miraculously showed me new avenues of ministry. One of those is through writing. God has given me many pieces of poetry and so far two books to write.
The first book, The Seven Robes of Joseph, Steps to Fulfilling Your God-given Dreams, helps the reader find himself in the life of Joseph, leading them into Bible study and finally into the reality of their destiny. The book is now translated into Spanish and can be ordered online.
Bigger than Impossible shows the passing vapor of impossible, while establishing the God-possible. It is an incredible read, packed with personal experiences. It helps the reader turn their impossibilities into God-possible! This book can be obtained by contacting the Author: Lydia Chorpening.
Summing This Up: when you’re at the end of your road in God’s Kingdom, you’ll find that you’re at the beginning of God’s brand new opportunity.
The hazy skies pressed their relentless heat upon me as I left my familiar world of San Antonio, Texas. Heading into Wisconsin’s northern zone left me less than excited. I was leaving, not only my familiar, my past, my three teen-age daughters, but also what I thought was a call of God.
Needless to say, although I left skid marks from my emotional heels digging into Interstate 35 all the way north, this was the place that God had brought me to—a place of being stripped bare of my identity, my glowing crown of being an overseas missionary. I had no beautiful daughters to push ahead of me as I stepped into a new world and into a new church.
Of all the many moves we had made prior to this one, none seemed as difficult to me. Leaving Iowa, living in Missouri, owning a home in Florida, the on-campus life in Texas and even the moving about in the Philippines had not prepared me for this challenge.
Russell, my husband, saw the job opportunity and the privilege to get out of the big city. I stepped unwittingly into the opportunity of working with developmentally disabled adults. Even though it took me years to respect and embrace this new ministry it proved to be a God-place.
During this time period God begin to pry open my heart to the clutter I held onto. As I was released from the bondages of fear, legalism and a failure mentality, God miraculously showed me new avenues of ministry. One of those is through writing. God has given me many pieces of poetry and so far two books to write.
The first book, The Seven Robes of Joseph, Steps to Fulfilling Your God-given Dreams, helps the reader find himself in the life of Joseph, leading them into Bible study and finally into the reality of their destiny. The book is now translated into Spanish and can be ordered online.
Bigger than Impossible shows the passing vapor of impossible, while establishing the God-possible. It is an incredible read, packed with personal experiences. It helps the reader turn their impossibilities into God-possible! This book can be obtained by contacting the Author: Lydia Chorpening.
Summing This Up: when you’re at the end of your road in God’s Kingdom, you’ll find that you’re at the beginning of God’s brand new opportunity.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
America, the Beautiful
This writing has been modified by Lydia Chorpening and adapted from the great works created by Katherine Lee Bates. The music was produced by Samuel A. Ward. As a child I would sit in our shabby front yard in the Missouri countryside and sing the words of this song heavenward. I now sing them modified and through tears. Sing it again with me and turn it into a heart-felt prayer.
Oh beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain,
For purple mountains majesty, above the fruited plain.
America! America! God shed his grace on thee...
But you have turned your face from Him-denied your liberty!
Oh beautiful for pilgrim feet. Whose stern, impassioned stress
A thoroughfare for freedom beat Across the wilderness
America! America! Amend your every flaw
and turn thy soul again to God and His eternal law!
O beautiful for heroes proved In liberating strife,
Who more than self their country loved, and mercy more than life!
America! America! May God thy hearts refine
Till every soul, in righteousness, bow to Christ's cross divine.
O beautiful for patriot dream That sees beyond the years
Thy alabaster cities dimmed, by sinfulness and fears
America! America! God shed His grace on thee
He calls for us to follow him to Calvary's rugged tree.
Let your voice be heard for liberty and life!
Oh beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain,
For purple mountains majesty, above the fruited plain.
America! America! God shed his grace on thee...
But you have turned your face from Him-denied your liberty!
Oh beautiful for pilgrim feet. Whose stern, impassioned stress
A thoroughfare for freedom beat Across the wilderness
America! America! Amend your every flaw
and turn thy soul again to God and His eternal law!
O beautiful for heroes proved In liberating strife,
Who more than self their country loved, and mercy more than life!
America! America! May God thy hearts refine
Till every soul, in righteousness, bow to Christ's cross divine.
O beautiful for patriot dream That sees beyond the years
Thy alabaster cities dimmed, by sinfulness and fears
America! America! God shed His grace on thee
He calls for us to follow him to Calvary's rugged tree.
Let your voice be heard for liberty and life!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
I Am Amazed

God's goodness is limitless.
His mercies are new every morning.
He creates all thing for his glory.
He thoughts are loving, true and righteous
He is everywhere present.
He is always near to help those who call on Him.
He is the first, the One present before creation.
He is eternal. That means:
He will never end.
He will never die.
He will never be outdone or defeated.
His love is fathomless.
His truth is unsearchable.
His righteousness is established
His mercy springs from His heart.
He is authentic, always trustworthy.
He is doubtless and credible.
Let us reverence Him!
Let us respect and fear Him!
Let us bow our heads before Him in praise and submission!
He is Lord, and without Him, we are nothing!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Ashley Katherine Damsgard

God really does ordain the births of our children. Back in August, 2009 after I learned that both Bonita and Lacinda were pregnant, I was standing at my kitchen counter and the Lord gave me a vision. In a second I saw three little girls. The one I saw the clearest was a dark-haired beautify sitting on a white fence. She looked a little bigger than the two little ones that stood in front of the fence. I could not see those, I just knew they were two little girls standing in front of the fence. The vision came so unexpectedly that I just said out loud, "Three little girls!" I had no question as to what sex the two unborn babies were. Bonita found out that she is having a girl, and Lacinda didn't want to know what she was having, so i just logged my vision. God has not confirmed it by the birth of this new little life. Ashley arrived Sat. evening about 1/2 hour after they arrived at the hospital. She is a beautiful 7 pound 15 oz gift from heaven!
As I held her, I was so in awe of this beautiful miracle! thank you, Lord Jesus, and thank you, Chris and Lacinda
Sunday, February 7, 2010
The Focus

The cross is the central theme of all Scripture. When I say "the cross" I include also Christ's resurrection from the dead.
In Exodus 12 we see the work of Calvary depicted through the blood of the passover lamb on the door posts of the house. Isaiah 53 describes Christ's pain and punishment for our sins and transgressions.
There are many distractions in life, things that try to keep us from approaching the cross in the first place for our salvation, but even after we have come to the cross, it is difficult to keep our eyes glued on this object of love.
My latest work of art was created to depict our need for the focus on the cross and to show the infilling of God's Holy Spirit afterwards. The empty tomb depicts our death, burial and resurrection. This is where we receive power to live an overcoming lifestyle.
We must keep our eyes on the master. I pray this picture will help us do just that.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Why Read the Bible?
Not too long ago I was listening to a conversation by some folks a generation younger than mine. I did not speak up, but I have been searching my heart since than.
Why do I read the Bible? Do I read simply to prove a point, to convince myself or someone else that I am right, or do I read it so that I might become transformed by it?
I am sure there are times in which I read the Bible to confirm that I have God's mind on a matter, but I realize that the Word of God is the power of God. The truth of God's Word is meant to transform us. Romans 12:1,2 tells us not to be conformed to this world, but to be transformed by renewing our minds. The only way our minds will truly be transformed is by the Word of God.
We recently had a grandchild here who came to the dinner table with a dirty little face. Some water on a wash cloth soon transformed her face. Ephesians 5:26 tells us that we are to be washed by the water of the Word. Even rocks, in their hardened conditions, become transformed by time and water flowing over them. This is what God wants His Word to do for us.
God doesn't just want us to prove a point with His Word. He wants that Word to first and foremostly transform us. According to Ephesians 1:18 He wants to enlighten, to illuminate our eyes and our understanding by the acceptance of His Word.
Why do I read the Bible? Do I read simply to prove a point, to convince myself or someone else that I am right, or do I read it so that I might become transformed by it?
I am sure there are times in which I read the Bible to confirm that I have God's mind on a matter, but I realize that the Word of God is the power of God. The truth of God's Word is meant to transform us. Romans 12:1,2 tells us not to be conformed to this world, but to be transformed by renewing our minds. The only way our minds will truly be transformed is by the Word of God.
We recently had a grandchild here who came to the dinner table with a dirty little face. Some water on a wash cloth soon transformed her face. Ephesians 5:26 tells us that we are to be washed by the water of the Word. Even rocks, in their hardened conditions, become transformed by time and water flowing over them. This is what God wants His Word to do for us.
God doesn't just want us to prove a point with His Word. He wants that Word to first and foremostly transform us. According to Ephesians 1:18 He wants to enlighten, to illuminate our eyes and our understanding by the acceptance of His Word.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Re: My Mother

The past two months have made big changes in my mother's life. I want to post an update to my last November 11th blog.
On December 3rd my mother was placed in a nursing home. She loves her little home. The nursing home staff fixes her 3 Reliv shakes a day. She was soon off of oxygen, which the medical profession thought would never happen. She was restricted to walking only in her room, but now the restrictions have been lifted and she can walk the hallways.
The other day when she was out she met up with a woman who was trying to wheel her way to the dining room. Mom said that she was going so slowly! She pushed her to where she was going. We thank God for this turn-around. We thank the nursing home staff for providing her with her shakes. We also thank Reliv for coming up with such a product.
Children Whose Lives Are Being Changed
this is what God is doing through Reliv in a Christian school that my friend Connie heads up. She gives her students only 1/2 the recommended daily amount and yet these are some of the things which are taking place in her school.
I have noticed less sickness; bett er attention, less afternoon slump, no more chronic nosebleeds in one boy, and in another boy who often had allergic reactions to plants and dirt... on the playground several times a year has had no more problems. Last year he would come in from recess all broken out in hives; his mother left Benadryl with me to give him. Several times last year he had to be sent home when he broke out in hives; since Reliv... no more hives. Another boy in Vikki's class had the prescription for his eye glasses improve this year.
They have one Kid's shake at school. Only one parent has product at home to give her child a second shake a day; he is the one who has ulcers and was hospitalized at the beginning of this school year. His appetite has improved and he has gained a little weight; he has been a sickly child, but since Reliv he has not had nearly as many sick days or Dr. visits.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Happy New Year
Today I began anew. I face the challenges of today with Hope and Faith. I focus on spending time in God's Word and His presence. I renew my vision of the first call that I remember God placing on my life. I was 18 or 19 and just newly baptized with the Holy Spirit. As I had been singing the Psalms to God and singing in my new prayer language the Lord put a spirit of travail on me and asked me if I was willing to become an intercessor for Him. I have often shirked from this strenuous work, because my flesh does not enjoy this.
But I have learned that this is also a powerful and blessed work. it is most effective when we know the Word of God and pray according to Scriptures. Romans 8:26 tells us that the Holy Spirit knows how to make intercession for us when we have no idea of how to pray. This becomes powerful.
This year we will need to pray in the Spirit more than we have ever prayed in the Spirit before. None of us know what will lie ahead of us this year, but God's Holy Spirit does. Let us be filled with His Spirit. Let us stand on His Word. Let us be one in the Love of Christ so that we will draw all men unto God! This is our Day! This is our Hour!
But I have learned that this is also a powerful and blessed work. it is most effective when we know the Word of God and pray according to Scriptures. Romans 8:26 tells us that the Holy Spirit knows how to make intercession for us when we have no idea of how to pray. This becomes powerful.
This year we will need to pray in the Spirit more than we have ever prayed in the Spirit before. None of us know what will lie ahead of us this year, but God's Holy Spirit does. Let us be filled with His Spirit. Let us stand on His Word. Let us be one in the Love of Christ so that we will draw all men unto God! This is our Day! This is our Hour!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Poetry of the Month
20 Years ago the Lord miracelously opened the flow of anointed poetry through me. Since then He has given me hundreds of pieces. These are meant to bless His people and bring souls into the kingdom. I share these pieces with the lavish love God has placed in my life!
Start collecting my poetry!
Sign up for Poetry of the Month.
Email me at .
My goal is to attach it to your email around the middle of the month.
Start collecting my poetry!
Sign up for Poetry of the Month.
Email me at .
My goal is to attach it to your email around the middle of the month.
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