Lydia with Reliv's President Robert Montgomery and his wife, Sandy
We are doing these exciting webinars on the first Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM.
- You will be able to get the presentation right in your home!
- You will hear testimonies of people whose lives have been transformed!
- You can utilize your phone for audio and your computer for video!
- Call in before 7:00 PM (Central time zone) in order to get started with the presentation by 7:00.
Audio access:
Dial 559-546-1200 Enter the Meeting ID number: 154-252-658#
In the "Join the Meeting" box.
add your name and email and Meeting ID number 154-252-658 (No # needed here).
You can save as you open this and it will place an FS icon at the bottom left of your homepage. The next time you can right click FS and join right in! \
The reality is that we have something that helps financially and health wise. Come join us!
God bless you all,
Russell and Lydia Chorpening