Thursday, October 18, 2012
Does Life just happen
By Lydia Chorpening
Life! Does life just happen or do we choose it?
Do you ever feel you are pushed into the farmer’s pig chute and prodded to head in a direction you didn’t intend to go in?
Or maybe you feel you are on a long, crowded escalator and can’t find a way to turn around and get off. Sometimes it seems to me that I’m crammed into a tiny spot in the evening traffic on 694 in the Twin Cities. Everyone wants my spot, and I don’t want to be in the lane I’m in. Maybe if I could get over I might eventually find a way off this rat race.
Do you know what I mean? Laundry, and vacuuming, time clocks to punch -
the decisions to make what’s for dinner or lunch.
There are spills on the counter and beds unmade and babies that tumble and stream till the house shakes.
Then there is house cleaning to do, and yards to rake, bills to pay and decisions to make.
Your best friend’s in the hospital needing a visit or perhaps it’s the neighbor who needs help because he’s just not quite with it.
Christmas is just around the corner and there are grandkids coming. You know you gotta get busy – no more bumming.
But listen, life really a beautiful thing. The other morning I peeped out my kitchen window and saw a brilliant pink glow spread above the housetop of my neighbor. I grabbed my journal and pen and headed for the lake shore. As I moved beyond the houses I saw a sight that made me gasp for my breath!
Oh, where was my camera? I knew there was not time to run back for it, but that I had to scribble quickly to capture a few of the vast impressions. The beach was empty except for a few ducks that flew off into the distance as invaded their privacy.
Life was giving me a beautiful gift as I listened to the heaven declares the glory of God.
• Waves relentlessly speaking volumes
• As day breaks through the darkness
• I feel the wonder of the strong breeze that pushes the waters upon the lakeshore.
• The bluest azure peeks though a deep hole in the amazing canvass of wispy, pink-tipped clouds as feathers on the wings of wind.
• The sky is full of downy softness, changing colors waltzing in the firmament.
• These rippled, brilliant-edged clouds with flumes of gray spoke of a rainy day.
• Before I can capture the moment the pinkness was chased away
• And a sun-spot appeared where the sun was just calling out a smiling, “Good morning!”
• How fast the day dawned as gulls soared silently overhead and the silhouettes of a charcoal shoreline still remains unawakened.
• And now today’s sun has arisen flanked by its pillowy colors of pink velvet and lavender.
• There she sits on the horizon - a blazing ball of magnificence declaring the glory of God!
A few weeks ago autumn was calling me to stop and smell - the falling leaves, in this case. I entered the silence of the cemetery where I sat up against a tree, trying to take in the beauty. My world was surreal as I journaled…
I’m kissed by sun-pecks on my cheeks
By branches which are golden clad
The whisp’ring breeze of autumn days
Warm my heart and make me glad
The sun shine leaves float softly down
And mix with crimson on the ground
Earth’s floor is covered in crunchy mounds
Arranged by nature in tones of brown
How short this day of blissful warmth
For soon the trees now decked with light
Shall stretch out arms all bare and grey
Await the cold of winter’s white
I must capture this sun-filled day
With vivid colors of autumn’s best
Green turned gold and orange and red
Will fill my dreams in winter’s bed
Yes, life, even with it’s unexpected bumps, bungles and bruises is still beautiful!
I am so blessed that my parents chose not to abort me or I would never have witnesses such fathomless beauty!
Saturday, August 4, 2012
America the Beautiful - A Call
This recitation is based on the renowned work of Katherine Lee Bates,
Entitled America the Beautiful. The music was produced by Samuel A. Ward.
It is modified by Lydia Chorpening, a local author.
So come along and Imagine with me:
Imagine a little Amish girl sitting on a lumpy home-made comforter in her unmown front yard.
Listen! Her clear voice rings through the Missouri countryside.
Oh beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain,
For purple mountains majesty, above the fruited plain.
America! America! God shed his grace on thee...
And crowned thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea!
That was back in the 1950’s when President Eisenhower had supported and signed into law the Congressional Act, Joint Resolution 243 which added the words, “Under God” to our Pledge of Allegiance.
It was also before this great nation had a President who has boldly declared that America is no longer a Christian nation.
I have taken the liberty to change some of Katherine Lee Bates’ lovely hymn and turn it into an appeal and prayer for our country today.
America, the Beautiful
Oh beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain,
For purple mountains majesty, above the fruited plain.
America! America! God shed his grace on thee...
But you have turned away from Him-denied your liberty!
Oh beautiful for pilgrim feet. Whose stern, impassioned stress
A thoroughfare for freedom beat Across the wilderness
America! America! Amend your every flaw
and turn thy soul again to God and His eternal law!
O beautiful for heroes proved In liberating strife,
Who more than self their country loved, and mercy more than life!
America! America! May God thy hearts refine
Till every soul, in righteousness, bows to Christ's cross divine.
O beautiful for patriot dream that sees beyond the years
Thy alabaster cities dimmed, by sinfulness and fears
America! America! God shed His grace on thee
He calls for us to follow him to Calvary's rugged tree.
Entitled America the Beautiful. The music was produced by Samuel A. Ward.
It is modified by Lydia Chorpening, a local author.
So come along and Imagine with me:
Imagine a little Amish girl sitting on a lumpy home-made comforter in her unmown front yard.
Listen! Her clear voice rings through the Missouri countryside.
Oh beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain,
For purple mountains majesty, above the fruited plain.
America! America! God shed his grace on thee...
And crowned thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea!
That was back in the 1950’s when President Eisenhower had supported and signed into law the Congressional Act, Joint Resolution 243 which added the words, “Under God” to our Pledge of Allegiance.
It was also before this great nation had a President who has boldly declared that America is no longer a Christian nation.
I have taken the liberty to change some of Katherine Lee Bates’ lovely hymn and turn it into an appeal and prayer for our country today.
America, the Beautiful
Oh beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain,
For purple mountains majesty, above the fruited plain.
America! America! God shed his grace on thee...
But you have turned away from Him-denied your liberty!
Oh beautiful for pilgrim feet. Whose stern, impassioned stress
A thoroughfare for freedom beat Across the wilderness
America! America! Amend your every flaw
and turn thy soul again to God and His eternal law!
O beautiful for heroes proved In liberating strife,
Who more than self their country loved, and mercy more than life!
America! America! May God thy hearts refine
Till every soul, in righteousness, bows to Christ's cross divine.
O beautiful for patriot dream that sees beyond the years
Thy alabaster cities dimmed, by sinfulness and fears
America! America! God shed His grace on thee
He calls for us to follow him to Calvary's rugged tree.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Buy Beyond the Colorful Coat
Now you can tell your friends to order this outstanding and inspiring book right from this link!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Sound an Alarm
Sound the Alarm in Zion
Written by Lydia Chorpening
For years I refused to open my heart to the words of Christ in Matthew chapter 24 because I wanted to avoid reading portions like; “then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted” or “For then shall be great tribulation.” These words struck fear into my heart until the Lord showed me that for me to avoid reading the Scripture was not going to change the Word of God! When God speaks it is already completed. We will never change it by refusing to know what He has aid.
Notice Christ’s command in Matthew 24:6 “You shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled…” We are to hear without being troubled.
Both Old and New Testaments Scriptures tell us the just live by faith. (Habakkuk. 2:4 and Romans 1:17) Noah knew that the flood was eminent while he built the ark. Abraham knew he was called to sacrifice his son when he climbed Mt. Moriah. Daniel knew he was facing the lions den for standing for his faith. His three companions knew it was the fiery furnace they faced for taking a stand.
Faith is not blind. The faith chapter of Hebrews 11 is full of people who knew they were withstanding evil, and yet among professing Christians few of us know what we are facing in this upcoming election. We are busy, we are not grounded in the Word, we make excuses, and we are not prepared to face our giants. Read Mark 4:2-20.
As we face the conflicts and uncertainties of this election year, we need to claim these words in Scripture. John 14:27; Romans 8: 28-39; Ephesians 6:10-18.
Our President promised changes and we have seen many changes, such as the declaration that we are no longer a Christian nation, the introduction of the Obama healthcare bill, the refusal to honor our National Day of Prayer, but the President bowing in prayer with the muslams. If we do not get out and exercise our rights to vote and vote for RIGHTEOUSNESS, we will see much further reduction of our Christian liberties! There are so many hideous things hidden in the health-not-caring bill that it will snag us while we are sleeping, unless we awaken!
II Chronicles 7:14 commands us, as God’s children to humble ourselves, and pray and see God’s face and turn from our wickedness, then God will hear us. Forgive us, and heal our land. We must seek God and then vote according to what God tells us to.
God will give us what we deserve. No matter who is elected, God is still the All-Sufficient God! My responsibility is to pray, take a stand for righteousness and to urge you to do the same (See James 2:17-20). We have seen deception and many of us have been deceived, but deception will become even more subtle.
I am here to sound an alarm in Zion as we are commanded to do in Joel 2:1 Stand on the Word of God, and then let your faith spur you forward. We, here in Wisconsin have the PRIVILEGE and RESPONSIBILITY to vote in our Primaries on April 3, 2012.
Written by Lydia Chorpening
For years I refused to open my heart to the words of Christ in Matthew chapter 24 because I wanted to avoid reading portions like; “then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted” or “For then shall be great tribulation.” These words struck fear into my heart until the Lord showed me that for me to avoid reading the Scripture was not going to change the Word of God! When God speaks it is already completed. We will never change it by refusing to know what He has aid.
Notice Christ’s command in Matthew 24:6 “You shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled…” We are to hear without being troubled.
Both Old and New Testaments Scriptures tell us the just live by faith. (Habakkuk. 2:4 and Romans 1:17) Noah knew that the flood was eminent while he built the ark. Abraham knew he was called to sacrifice his son when he climbed Mt. Moriah. Daniel knew he was facing the lions den for standing for his faith. His three companions knew it was the fiery furnace they faced for taking a stand.
Faith is not blind. The faith chapter of Hebrews 11 is full of people who knew they were withstanding evil, and yet among professing Christians few of us know what we are facing in this upcoming election. We are busy, we are not grounded in the Word, we make excuses, and we are not prepared to face our giants. Read Mark 4:2-20.
As we face the conflicts and uncertainties of this election year, we need to claim these words in Scripture. John 14:27; Romans 8: 28-39; Ephesians 6:10-18.
Our President promised changes and we have seen many changes, such as the declaration that we are no longer a Christian nation, the introduction of the Obama healthcare bill, the refusal to honor our National Day of Prayer, but the President bowing in prayer with the muslams. If we do not get out and exercise our rights to vote and vote for RIGHTEOUSNESS, we will see much further reduction of our Christian liberties! There are so many hideous things hidden in the health-not-caring bill that it will snag us while we are sleeping, unless we awaken!
II Chronicles 7:14 commands us, as God’s children to humble ourselves, and pray and see God’s face and turn from our wickedness, then God will hear us. Forgive us, and heal our land. We must seek God and then vote according to what God tells us to.
God will give us what we deserve. No matter who is elected, God is still the All-Sufficient God! My responsibility is to pray, take a stand for righteousness and to urge you to do the same (See James 2:17-20). We have seen deception and many of us have been deceived, but deception will become even more subtle.
I am here to sound an alarm in Zion as we are commanded to do in Joel 2:1 Stand on the Word of God, and then let your faith spur you forward. We, here in Wisconsin have the PRIVILEGE and RESPONSIBILITY to vote in our Primaries on April 3, 2012.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Qualification in Christ from A to Z

Qualified in Christ from A to Z
“If any man be in Christ he is a new creature,
Old things are passed away, all things are become new.”
Accepted in the beloved Ephesians 1:6Blessed with all Spiritual Blessings Ephesians 1:3
Chosen of God Ephesians 1:4
Delivered from the power of darkness Colossians1:13
Enlightened with all spiritual understanding Ephesians 1:18
Forgiven of our sins Ephesians 1:7
Gathered together in Christ Ephesians 1:10
Holy and without blame before him in love Ephesians 1:4
Increased in the knowledge of God Colossians 1:10
Joyful in longsuffering Colossians 1:11
Kept by the power of God through faith I Peter 1:5
Loved with an everlasting love Jeremiah 31:3
Mercifully followed all the days of my life Psalm 23:6
Nourished by the word of faith I Timothy 4:6
Occupying when we follow Christ's command in Luke 19:13
Partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light Colossians 1:11
Quickened together with Christ Ephesians 2:5
Redeemed by Christ's blood Ephesians 1:7
Sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise Ephesians 1:13
Translated into the kingdom of his dear son Colossians 1:13
Upheld with the right hand of God's righteousness Isaiah 41:10
Visited of God to be taken to him for his name sake Acts 15:14
Walking worthy of the Lord in all pleasing Colossians 1:10
Excellency of his power is to be revealed in us II Corinthian 4:7
Yoke fellow with Christ Mathew 11:29
Zealous unto every good work Titus 2:14
-Compiled by Lydia Chorpening
Saturday, February 18, 2012
How I Know You, Jesus

This helps us realize the grace of God in my life. Be blessed
By Lydia Chorpening
There are ways I've known you, Jesus
Ways I've seen You in Your Light
I have known You as my Savior
And as my very heart's delight!
Ways I've seen You in Your Light
I have known You as my Savior
And as my very heart's delight!
I have known Your early risings
As my Teacher and my Guide
Imparting into my heart Your wisdom
When with tests so hard I'm tried.
I have known You as my Healer
As my Shepherd's rod and staff
As a Light within my darkness
You have come on my behalf.
As my Shepherd's rod and staff
As a Light within my darkness
You have come on my behalf.
I have known You in my valley
As the Lily of the field
As the lovely Rose of Sharon
My Defense with sword and shield.
As the Lily of the field
As the lovely Rose of Sharon
My Defense with sword and shield.
I have known You on the mountain
As a source of joy's delight
You have been my song's Inventor
Comforter in truth and might.
As a source of joy's delight
You have been my song's Inventor
Comforter in truth and might.
I have known You in my hunger
As Supplier of my bread
You have taken what was nothing
And have sent me filled to bed.
As Supplier of my bread
You have taken what was nothing
And have sent me filled to bed.
I have known You by your speaking
Words of Life and not of ill
Prince of Peace with glorious sayings
Admonisher with words that thrill!
Words of Life and not of ill
Prince of Peace with glorious sayings
Admonisher with words that thrill!
I have known You in the battle
As the Captain of the fight
Government upon Your shoulders
Making wrongs come out to right.
As the Captain of the fight
Government upon Your shoulders
Making wrongs come out to right.
I have known You as my Husband
As the Lover of my soul
You've been closer than a brother
You who softly takes control.
I now know You, Lion of Judah
Conquering King--Dominion Sure!
Gentle Dove with wings unfolded
Bringing me Your mercies pure!
Conquering King--Dominion Sure!
Gentle Dove with wings unfolded
Bringing me Your mercies pure!
Check out this link:
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Join Heaven's Praises
Join Heaven's Praises
Lydia Chorpening
Holly, holy cry the angels
Heaven's host proclaim Christ's praise
How could One so high and holy
Defile Himself this world to save
Cherubima and Seraphims
Join all the angels in sweetest song
Heaven's adoration exalts this Jesus
With worshipful praises all day long
Beams of glory radiates His presence
Streams of choruses will never cease
All the love songs of earth and Heaven
Encase the Lord in blissful peace
Never will this praise be silenced
Earth must proclaim His praise as well
The angels cannot receive salvation
Mortal man this story must tell.
Lydia Chorpening
Holly, holy cry the angels
Heaven's host proclaim Christ's praise
How could One so high and holy
Defile Himself this world to save
Cherubima and Seraphims
Join all the angels in sweetest song
Heaven's adoration exalts this Jesus
With worshipful praises all day long
Beams of glory radiates His presence
Streams of choruses will never cease
All the love songs of earth and Heaven
Encase the Lord in blissful peace
Never will this praise be silenced
Earth must proclaim His praise as well
The angels cannot receive salvation
Mortal man this story must tell.
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