Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Resurrected Life

The resurrected life is first the

   Buried-with-Christ life

If we have been risen with Christ

   Then first we have to die with Him.

The resurrected life is the

   dying-to-the-flesh life.

For we dare not make ourselves

of those who compare themselves by themselves

or of those who measure themselves among themselves.

The resurrected life doesn’t ask,”what will others think?”

   It’s the set-apart life

It is the circumcised – that is the

   cutting-away-of-the-flesh life

It is the circumspect life.

   the diligent life

   the exact life

   the careful life’'

   the accurate life

   the focused life

The resurrected life will never be experienced until

   we experience the death of fleshly desires

The resurrected life is the living-in-victory life

   It is the triumphing-over-sin life

The resurrected life is the

   justified-by-faith life

It no longer depends on its own good works

The resurrected life is the

   loving-God-enough-to-die-for-Him life

The resurrected life is

  the knowing-God life

It is experiencing the intimacy-of-His-love life

It is living a more-than-a-conqueror life

The Resurrected life is

    the focused life

   the unselfish life

   the overcoming life

The Resurrected life is


Friday, April 25, 2014

What Make You You?

In the beginning we were created in the image of God.

How long did the devil badger Eve before she gave in and ate the fruit that God had forbidden them?

We really don’t know, and we don’t know how long she may have been trying to persuade Adam to eat before he ate, but at any rate…sin came into the world and is passed down to all of us.

So we are made up of spiritual needs, Thankfully God sent us a Savior in Jesus Christ who came to earth to take our sinful place in Hell, but then rise again. Thus our spiritual needs was covered.

Our spiritual need is our primary need. However, we also need health and financial freedom. For too long we have bought into the concepts taken from the garbage heap of pharmaceutical concepts. All these medications produce side affects and we try to cover them with more medications. It is a vicious cycle, so why not get off the medication merry-go-round?

John wants us to prosper and also to be in health (see III John 2).

We can help folks with obtain optimal health and build a residual income.

We are excited to see who the next person is who wants to see reality by getting results!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Christ’s Love My Release


The blood that stained that rugged cross

Has to washed my sins away

Redemptions price for all my sins

Was more than I could pay

Christ did not have to die for me

Yet love compelled him there

He could have called an angel band

God would have heard his prayer

But love – the love I cannot comprehend

Led Jesus to His death

There He died on Calvary

That I might have eternal rest

His body cold lay in the tomb

Where only dead men lay

When morning came on that third dawn

The angel rolled the stone away

Christ was no longer in the tomb

God had raised Him from the dead

The place He lay is empty now

He’s risen as He said

and I, through faith, have now obtained

The blessings bought by blood

I now am cleansed from all my sins

By Calvary’s crimson flood

I seek no more another love

For Christ gave all for me

I dedicate myself afresh – anew

To walk in His liberty

Friday, April 4, 2014

How Rich We Are

Having been raised in poverty and inherited a poverty mentality, I had many things to unlearn. During the years that my parents were excommunicated from their strict Amish denomination and until we moved north to Iowa where they belonged to a more liberal branch of Amish, we did a lot of ‘church-hopping.’

One of the groups that my folks attended pounded their Bibles to stress the imperative demands of giving. I remember one of the Scriptures that was often used was found in II Corinthians 9:6 “But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly, and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.”

I had a hard time wrapping my young mind around that. I felt that I had nothing to give. I looked at my tattered dress with the hem hanging down. I often had to be careful not to trip on the hem. It was not unusual for my feet to be forced into a ‘much-too-small-for-me’ shoe, or to wear one with the sole flapping and loose. I never owned a penny and felt that I honestly had nothing I could give.

How could I sow bountifully when I really owned nothing in this world’s goods? I felt that God was being unfair and that I would never get ahead of things.

I heard Joyce Meyer say that each one us has everything that matters to God. Our possessions begin with our faith. Romans 12:3 tells us that God has given to each of us a measure of faith. Faith in God’s redemptive work – through Christ – is what generates our redemption. Without faith it is impossible to please God.

When we have faith we will find that we are truly rich. We have something to give away. We can pray for those in need. We can speak a word of testimony.

Sowing bountifully or sparingly has to do with our attitude and not our possessions. To sow sparingly is to give with a stingy attitude. To sow bountifully is to give with a generous attitude.

Let’s give something away today! A smile! A hug! A word of encouragement! A note in the mail  or perhaps a phone call! We are so rich! We have so much to give! You will be blessed in your giving..