Summer is passing like running deer on open land. I want to hold onto it with fisted hands.
To dig my nails into its warmth, Inhale the heat while there’s still time.
My days are passing way too fast, Time feels like covers pulled off at night.
I want to linger in the sun, even though the fall has nigh begun.
I want to hike, explore and sit where I can bring out my paint kit
I want to write of azure skies and lakes over which the sailboat flies.
I want to stop along the way and pick wild flowers while still I may.
Oh, why must winter seem so long and summer whiz by as whispered song
How will I prepare myself to love my winter as I do sunshine from above?
Lord, I need grace to guide my days, to serve You as ever I may
So help me live, and love and work, to help someone – not duty shirk
For as I reach to others here Heaven’s record will make it clear
That summer on earth will turn to cold, but in Heaven it will be the purest gold.