Monday, November 23, 2009

Sometimes Blessings come in Disquise.

It's Thanksgiving time...a special time to be set aside for the giving of thanks. There has never been a Thanksgiving time in our country which compares to today's. We have never had so much gross darkness released into the avenues of government as we currently face. There has never been a time when evil has been as bold and blatently obnixious as it is in this post modern society.

So how does that dovetail in with being thankful?

The answer is simple. Evil is darkness and God is light! We are the children of light if we have come into the family of God through the sacrifice and blood of Jesus. He has been raised from the dead. His resurrection power is like a light switch being clicked on in our hearts! We have the true light which lights every man who comes into the world.

So let us begin by thanking God for The Light of Jesus Christ. Who He is and Who He is in us! Many of life's most precious blessings come wrapped up in difficult situations. Just as the pearl is developed from an irritating grain of sand in the shell of the oyster, so godly character is to be created in times of adversity.

I have often heard preachers say that we are to thank God in all things, but for any of us to step across the line and say that we are to thank Him for all things becomes quite difficult!

Ephesians 5:20 may point us to the very root that we need to begin forming a grateful heart. It says, "Giving thanks always for all things unto God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;"

May our pain transform us into resurrection's praise!

Happy Thanksgiving 2009!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

We all Need A Vision

Did you ever watch how a young child will claim a certain toy as their own? "Mine! Mine!" Then soon there is a tug of war! That is the time a parent needs to step in as referee and begin teaching lessons on sharing. As life goes on there will be times when we will have to say, "Mine! Mine!" That is because God wants us to have our very own vision. He has designed us for a purpose and a plan.

The wise man in Proverbs 29:18 says, "Where there is no vision, the people perish."

Tommy Barnett has a rather humorous slant to defining the necissity of having a vision. Here is what he says. "Without people, the vision dies, without vision the people find another parish."

A vision gives us a sense of purpose. It is what our future looks like while our mission is what we are called to do. These are things that we have to have for our own. We cannot live another man's vision. We must possess the vision, not just see it. We must take a hold of our God-given vision until that vision possesses us.

The book of Revelation shows us the vision John had. Paul had a vision of Ananias, while Ananias also had a vision of Paul. God desires to speak to us through visions. These will do three things for us. They will define our purpose in life. They will direct our activities for the present and the future. They will also generate energy to keep us motivated.

Vision is a "beyond" word. It spurs us beyond ourselves. It lightens a pathway the reaches beyond the present perspectives, and vision gives us strength to fulfill a cause which is beyond any natural ability we possess.

Let the vision speak. Let it be for the sake of transformation. Let it change every hinderance. Let it lead you into the future. Habakuk 2:2 tells us to write the vision and then wait for it if it needs be. If God has spoken to you, don't let anything extract it from your life.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Focus for Christmas

Lydia Chorpening
Shell Lake, WI 54871
Phone: 715-731-0035

A Focus for Christmas

Last week I was looking forward to a day in Eau Claire and shopping in my favorite craft store. This rare treat was meant to help me find creative supplies for my Christmas cards and letters. I needed something to convey an expressive message of God’s love wrapped up in Christmas.

The loaded isles failed to inspire me. I loitered in front of displays of paper, stamps, stickers and ornaments. As my energy waned and I had found nothing that depicted the birth of our Savior or which inspired me. I stopped a young employee and asked, “Can you show me something in your store that depicts the real meaning of Christmas? Do you have a nativity or anything portraying the birth of Jesus?”

He looked puzzled and finally led me to a woman his senior. She graciously searched the shelves with me and turned up two rubber stamps which had a resemblance of the real meaning of Christmas. I asked her to report my sorrows to her management.

While our President identifies himself with the Muslims (check out:, we can hold on to our Christian roots and reclaim territory for Christ. We can begin with focused trips to the malls.

If you’re shopping and feel like dropping it may be because:
You’re in a store that’s void of meaningful Christmas content.
You’re looking at seasonal displays with mere “holiday greetings.”
You’re trying to find Christmas in the ash heaps of humanistic distractions and secular displays.
You’ve joined the multitudes who shop for things they can’t afford to impress people you don’t appreciate.
You know you’re digging a grave of debt which will not glorify the Christ of Christmas.
You realize that as soon as the celebrations are over you’ll be sinking into the emotions that come with leftovers…useless and crumpled gift wrap, dirty dishes, discarded or fought over toys, unneeded items, overstuffed stomachs and an overload of sweets.

All this is to say, if you’re shopping until you’re dropping (which was my case) you need to stop! You may need to return some of the things in your cart. Here are questions to ask before you reach the register.
Are you buying to impress or to keep you from looking cheap?
Are you shopping because it’s a tradition?
Do you have things at home that will put more meaning into Christmas than the things in your cart?
Are you buying to meet someone else’s needs?
Are you loading your cart with gifts that will glorify the Christ of Christmas?

Here are some things that help make Christmas meaningful for me.
Displaying my nativity scenes.
Speaking up for the cause of Christmas.
Sitting with a shut-in or sharing a meal.
Sending cards and letters with messages of God’s redemptive love.
Baking something to share with a lonely neighbor.
Family time and meaningful conversation.
Singing carols of Christ’s birth.

We can make a difference in our homes and communities without spending a ton of money which we can’t afford.
If you go to you will see the newest edition of my book which will make a very meaningful gift.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Today the family was here for our Thanksgiving celebration. Here is a picture of the grandchildren enjoying their dinner.

Friday, November 13, 2009

My Mother

My mother is 97 years old and has been in excellent health. I have been concerned about her seditary lifestyle, but she is 97 and why hound her about moving about and getting out for walks if she would rather sit and watch pictures on her photo frame?

Well, it has caused clots to form in her blood and lodge in her lungs. the last two days have been pretty rough for the precious lady I know at MOTHER! She was taken out of her comfort zone. This tramatized her and mixed up her thinking. The tests were experiences that she could not understand and other care proved to be humiliating to her.

We are eager to get her to my sister Sarah's house and get her on Reliv. We have had people who have had blood clots disolved while taking this nutrition. Mother's doctor said that we could do what we felt was best.

Praying for her is of utmost importance. Our conversation needs to remain positive and music and old hymns with help her keep her mind focused. I talked to her last night and again this morning. I felt that both calls went well. The one this morning was quite good as we sang a couple of old songs.

I had her sing a song of her choice.
She sang her heart's desire.
"Away to the harvest, the fields are now white..." and I don't Know all the words, but it ends with, "the Rapture is coming and it won't be long."

So this shows that in her churned up thinking patterns she is still crying for souls to come into the kingdom. She would love to be taken up in the rapture, so we need to be sure we are ready and also that we are bringing souls with us.

My mother is one of only a few in her catagory. She has held onto her convictions and still loves to recite the first part of Romans 8. Say a prayer for Katie, a mother of 6 living children, a grandmother, and greatgrandmother of a troop!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

there is a Meaning to Christmas

Yesterday morning I needed to make a trip to Eau Claire. I was looking forward to shop at my favorite craft store--a rare treat. I was excited about finding something that would inspire me for my Christmas contacts, cards and gifts. As I walked into the store it was as if all the air was let out of my tires. I searched aimlessly through the aisles and found absolutely nothing with purpose or meaning.

After an hour of growing more weary I came to my senses and realized what my problem was. The store had absolutely nothing that had to do with Christmas!

I stopped a younger worker and asked if they had anything with the true meaning of Christmas, a nativity, something portraying the birth of Jesus. He looked at me blankly and then as if recalling something, he led me to an aisle with porcelain ornaments. He felt that might be an older version of Christmas. I asked him if I was to paint my own nativity scene on it. He decided he should find someone else to help me.

Deb came to my aid, walking me through the aisles of the store. We turned up two rubber stamps--that's all. A store which was running over with stickers, ribbons, tinsel, lights, glue, and all sorts of art materials, had not a single resemblance of the real Christmas. I asked Deb to advise her supervisors of my deep disappointment. She told me she would and that I was not the first one to make that request. I urge you to do the same when you shop.

God has intentions for our Christmas. This is what inspired me to write at 4:00 AM. Be blessed and challenged as you read.

God’s Intended Christmas
By Lydia Chorpening

Thought this writing begins with a darkened light
It ends with purpose, power and praise.

Flimsy tinsel and meaningless blinking lights
Clothes in nakedness-demoted to the holiday season
Flakey whimsical angels—devoid of God’s presence
This is our insulted Christmas

A sham—A slam, a blatant reproach
We crucified Christ once—now we’re doing it again
A bustle-a nothing that fall into a bumble
This is our insulted Christmas

Precious Virgin Mary giving birth to Messiah—our Savior
A hushed deep night—transcended into eternal day
Robed in righteousness, singing with choirs of Heaven
This is God’s intended Christmas

A life full of peace because Jesus has come
He was born to be slain—but He lives evermore
A celebration of everything that Heaven adores
This is God’s intended Christmas

A season—a lifetime of resolute intendment
Arrayed with eternity—resurrected to life everlasting
Purposeful praises in the beams of Christ’s triumph
This is God’s intended Christmas

Have a very Merry God’s intended Christmas!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A challenge

I have been challenged by the day in which we are living, to memorize the Word of God. His Word is our salvation in the day of trouble. It is our saving help in our distress, and God's Word is eternal.

As I read in Colossians 3:16 I decided to share the challenge of my own heart. This verse commands me to allow the Word of God (the Words spoken by Christ) have its home in my heart. To live in my mind. To live inside of me with all its riches, so that I can be a teacher, a trainer and an admonisher of spiritual things.

If you want to take the challenge that I am working on, I am copying a memory page here that really helped me memorize this portion of Scripture.

1. Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the saints which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus.

2. Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.

3. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ {We are blessed}

4. According as he hath chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: {We are chosen}

5. Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will {We are adopted}

6. To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved. {We are accepted}

7. In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace; {We have Redemption}

8. Wherein he had abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence; {Christ has run toward us giving wisdom and prudence}

9. Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself: {He has made known to us the mystery}

10. That in the dispensation of the fullness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him: {We are given hope for our future}

11. In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will; {We have obtain an inheritance}

12. That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ. {We are created a praise for God’s honor-His representative}

13. In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with the holy Spirit of promise, {We have been given the Holy Spirit to seal/preserve us}

4. According as he hath chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world,
5. according to the good pleasure of his will
7. according to the riches of his grace;
9. according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself:
11. according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will

6. wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved
7. In whom we have redemption through his blood
8. Wherein he had abounded toward
11. In whom also we have obtained an inheritance
13. In whom ye also trusted,
in whom also after that ye believed,

I hope this inspires you and brightens your day. Let me know if you're joining me! I'd love to have you on board!

Verse 1
Who wrote the book?
Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ
By the will of God
To whom?
To the saints which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus

Verse 2
What virtues were contained in his greeting?
Grace be to you and Peace,
From whom?
From God the Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ

Verse 3
Who is Paul blessing?
The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
Because he blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ

Verse 4
How do we know this?
According as he hath chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world,
That we should be holy and without blame before him
In love

Verse 5
Having done what?
Having predestinated us unto the adoption of Chrildren
By whom?
By Jesus Christ to himself
According to the good pleasure of his will

Verse 6
To the praise of his grace
Wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.

Verse 7
In whom we have what?
By what means?
Through his blood, the forgiveness of sins
According to the riches of his grace

Verse 8

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Dotted Line

I was recently stirred as I listened to my dear friend, Diane Brask, speak at our missions conference. She shared how God first spoke to her when she was at Bethal college. Billy Graham was concluding his message by challenging the students to push aside their agenda on which they wanted God to sign their dotted line on the bottom of their page. He said to turn the page over and give him the blank side and sign on God's dotted line.

As Diane did that God spoke to her and told her that He had wanted her to be a youth pastor rather than a social worker. She argued, then listened and now she is traveling into the nations of the world, reaching many unreached people's groups.

Her testimony inspired the following poem.

The Dotted Line
By Lydia Chorpening

My page was all scribbled with hasty scrawls
The notes I had made ran over each other
My thoughts have been scattered and randomly strewn
I’d doodled with doodad—a bunch of clutter
And then I asked God to
Sign on my dotted line

I’d written my own path of craziness
My heart was only half-set on God’s divine plan
But I had failed to still my heart before I wrote
Thus my page was puttered with the ambition of man
And I still asked God to
Sign on my dotted line

But now God’s grace is speaking to me
To get rid of the page that’s cluttered
To pull out a new page that’s void of my plans
And hand him that blank page—it’s really another
And here He’s asking me to
Sign on His dotted line