Wednesday, November 11, 2009

there is a Meaning to Christmas

Yesterday morning I needed to make a trip to Eau Claire. I was looking forward to shop at my favorite craft store--a rare treat. I was excited about finding something that would inspire me for my Christmas contacts, cards and gifts. As I walked into the store it was as if all the air was let out of my tires. I searched aimlessly through the aisles and found absolutely nothing with purpose or meaning.

After an hour of growing more weary I came to my senses and realized what my problem was. The store had absolutely nothing that had to do with Christmas!

I stopped a younger worker and asked if they had anything with the true meaning of Christmas, a nativity, something portraying the birth of Jesus. He looked at me blankly and then as if recalling something, he led me to an aisle with porcelain ornaments. He felt that might be an older version of Christmas. I asked him if I was to paint my own nativity scene on it. He decided he should find someone else to help me.

Deb came to my aid, walking me through the aisles of the store. We turned up two rubber stamps--that's all. A store which was running over with stickers, ribbons, tinsel, lights, glue, and all sorts of art materials, had not a single resemblance of the real Christmas. I asked Deb to advise her supervisors of my deep disappointment. She told me she would and that I was not the first one to make that request. I urge you to do the same when you shop.

God has intentions for our Christmas. This is what inspired me to write at 4:00 AM. Be blessed and challenged as you read.

God’s Intended Christmas
By Lydia Chorpening

Thought this writing begins with a darkened light
It ends with purpose, power and praise.

Flimsy tinsel and meaningless blinking lights
Clothes in nakedness-demoted to the holiday season
Flakey whimsical angels—devoid of God’s presence
This is our insulted Christmas

A sham—A slam, a blatant reproach
We crucified Christ once—now we’re doing it again
A bustle-a nothing that fall into a bumble
This is our insulted Christmas

Precious Virgin Mary giving birth to Messiah—our Savior
A hushed deep night—transcended into eternal day
Robed in righteousness, singing with choirs of Heaven
This is God’s intended Christmas

A life full of peace because Jesus has come
He was born to be slain—but He lives evermore
A celebration of everything that Heaven adores
This is God’s intended Christmas

A season—a lifetime of resolute intendment
Arrayed with eternity—resurrected to life everlasting
Purposeful praises in the beams of Christ’s triumph
This is God’s intended Christmas

Have a very Merry God’s intended Christmas!

1 comment:

Lacinda said...

Glad to see you're blogging. I haven't been shopping recently, I'm sure I'll run into the same stuff here.