Sunday, January 31, 2010

Why Read the Bible?

Not too long ago I was listening to a conversation by some folks a generation younger than mine. I did not speak up, but I have been searching my heart since than.
Why do I read the Bible? Do I read simply to prove a point, to convince myself or someone else that I am right, or do I read it so that I might become transformed by it?
I am sure there are times in which I read the Bible to confirm that I have God's mind on a matter, but I realize that the Word of God is the power of God. The truth of God's Word is meant to transform us. Romans 12:1,2 tells us not to be conformed to this world, but to be transformed by renewing our minds. The only way our minds will truly be transformed is by the Word of God.
We recently had a grandchild here who came to the dinner table with a dirty little face. Some water on a wash cloth soon transformed her face. Ephesians 5:26 tells us that we are to be washed by the water of the Word. Even rocks, in their hardened conditions, become transformed by time and water flowing over them. This is what God wants His Word to do for us.
God doesn't just want us to prove a point with His Word. He wants that Word to first and foremostly transform us. According to Ephesians 1:18 He wants to enlighten, to illuminate our eyes and our understanding by the acceptance of His Word.


pastorkenrp said...

Good stuff! A great reminder that the Bible Is not just a book, but it is alive!

Mrs. Lydia Chorpening said...

Hi Ken,

I just found your comment. I am so not with all the technology...I am barely learning, BUT THAN, I AM LEARNING.
Thanks for the comment. I appreciate!
I bless you with strength, wisdom and God's anointing in Jesus' Name.