Saturday, May 31, 2014

Time and Timelessness

Time is an occupied space that is allotted to mankind of the period in which we live on earth. God - the timeless One preceded time.  He is pre-time and antedates it. Yet He is the creator of time.

He created time yet abides independent of it. He is not governed by it, but time is governed by its Creator. Time is obedient to God and He is never rushed by it or controlled by its schedules.

God never checks to see what time it is because He abides in an untimed era – that of eternity. He decrees events by His plan and desires. Time occupies space in God. God doesn’t occupy space in time, for God is greater than time. He is also the timeless One. He is the instigator or it, yet remains unhindered or unmotivated by it.

Time is a segment of God’s great gift to us. It is significant to us, but only in this lifetime. After this life time will have no meaning to us. Eternity contains no clocks, calendars or watches. The allotted years – the timeframe of our humanity – is lavished on us so that we might prepare for the era of timelessness.

Whether we spend eternity with God in Heaven or with the devil in Hell, there will be no measure of time then. Eternity is the era of forever – a measureless space that occupies a realm yet to be which always has been. There time shall be no more (Revelation 10:6).

Therefore since God is the ‘timeless One’ it behooves us to live and move and have our being in Him now. (Acts 17:28) Now is the accepted time, now is the day of our salvation (II Corinthians 6:2). ‘Now’ is the epoch given to us – a term of lifespan in which we must choose where we will spend eternity.

After this time-paced life the decision of our eternal destination will already have been established. The question as to where we will spend our timeless and untimed space in eternity will be settled. After death here on earth there will be no more time for decision making. The allotted period of what we know as time will be over.

Today measures my time. Tomorrow it may be over and I may be stepping into the era of timelessness. How I spend this interval on earth will spell out how and where I will spend eternity. Today I will permit to elapse the seconds, the minutes and the hours which will lead to untimed days of eternity – the period of untimed life or death in the immeasurable ‘no-time’ zone.

With THIS BREATH I need to choose to take Jesus Christ as my Savior and as my Lord. If I have another breath, I must embrace that decision and live the hours of time here where time matters most to glorify God.

Jesus wants each of us to rule and reign with Him in eternity. We must use the time called “NOW” to choose to live for Him. In eternity the timeless One decrees that time will be no more! Today’s time is the “NOW” to come to Jesus and to take Him as your Savior.

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