At Shell Lake Full Gospel our ministers have been bringing us a series of messages on “Honor.” Pastor Amundson shared a wonderful word on honoring our family especially that of honoring our children. I always like to have “how to” points or principles so folks can make personal application to the message.
The points were well laid out this morning, but the Spirit of the Lord stirred my heart to share some further concepts to those I heard and want to confirm in this post. Our children truly are our treasures. They have the potential to greatness that far exceed the effectiveness for God’s kingdom increase that we in former generations have ever had.
The way we talk to our children are some of the first points of influence in their lives. God has placed on my heart that we have the privilege to talk up to our children just by the way we address them or talk about them.
I believe that God is glorified when we address our offspring as children, boys, girls, youth, young people, young adults, toddlers, grandchildren, babies, and even as God’s little lambs. When we reference them by any of these titles we are giving them an honorable affirmation.
According to what I have read, the title “kids” started in 1840’s. I truly believe that this title was influenced by demonic deception. Besides believing that God has given me convictions on this matter, the plain truth is that I am not a goat, so I did not give birth to a kid. I gave birth to children.
Now lets look at Scriptures to bear this out. Matthew 25:31-34 records the words of Jesus. He is talking about when He returns and we face his judgment throne. This is what He said, “And he shall separate them one from another…and he will set his sheep on his right hand, but on the goats on the left. Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you…”Skip to verse 41 “Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.”
So as I read this, goats in Scripture are those who do not know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. The sheep are those who know the shepherd. I will let you, the reader, decide how God would have you respond to this post—a concept that we have not heard much about.
In whatever way you decide to do it, I make an appeal to you to honor your children, your grandchildren and even your great-grandchildren. Be blessed in whatever way God lays it on your heart to do it.
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