Thursday, February 13, 2014

Good Bible Stories

Did you ever question why we have the ancient accounts of the Old Testament patriots?

We all like a good story, don’t we?

I know my grandchildren love for me to read their little books to them, but shouldn’t the Bible be more than just reading stories of history, poetry and great conquests?

Why then do we have the accounts of Abraham, his son Isaac, Jacob and Joseph? Why the account of the children of Israel’s journey through the wilderness? What is the importance of Ezra’s and Nehemiah’s accounts of rebuilding the temple and the walls of Jerusalem?

You are right, there is much more here than just a story laid down in history. There are lessons to be learned from these stalwart men and women of God. This is why I love the account of the life of Joseph. This is also why I have studied extensively about him and also written about him.

Joseph, I believe, is our best figure of Christ Jesus. He shows how to fulfill the call that God has called him to. Jesus also did this. Joseph was despised by his brothers, as was Christ. Joseph saw his dreams fulfilled and became a savior to his family. Jesus became the Savior to the whole world. He came to seek and to save that which was lost.

Every Bible account has a purpose to lead us to becoming Christ-like. No matter what the mess we see ourselves in, we can find ourselves in an overcoming position. These Bible accounts can help us reach those goals.

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