Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Amish and Legalism

Having been raised in a strict Amish home, I was also raised with the bondage of legalism. I was afraid of almost everything. I was afraid of being rejected, of saying the wrong things, of doing something that would break the church rules and my list went on and on.

The way we dressed was about the biggest factor. As the only Amish-clad child in a public school setting, I often wished to wear the lovely colors of pink, red and yellow the other girls wore. I longed to wear a skirt, blouse and matching sweater, but then felt guilty for wishing for something so worldly. 

The fact that I adhered to the church laws, rules and regulations, did not quiet the guilty conscience within me. The harder I tried to please those imposing the law brought me under more bondage of fear and depression. I missed many days of school due to my distraught attitude.

Today I am thankful for the revelation of Galatians 5:13 which tells us that we are called to liberty, but we are not to use our liberty for an occasion to fulfill the lusts of the flesh. Romans 13:14 also commands us not to make provision for the flesh to fulfill its desires.

Let me ask you a question: In today’s world, when the designers of our clothes are coming up with new patterns, are they designing them to cover the body or to reveal as much shape and flesh as they can and still sell their product?

You already know what the answer is. Sensuality, lust and seduction are behind their efforts. Their evil minds are always conniving ways to allure their victims, be it youth or the aged. This trap is set to get the consumer to buy their less-than-modest apparel.  Clothing that show cracks in the behind and in the bodice tops are NOT modest.

Let me ask you another question: Does the professing Christian in the church world today really dress differently from those who don’t darken the doors of our churches?

Again, I believe you know the answer to that question.

So in conclusion I would like to make an appeal to everyone who professes to be a born again Christian to dress as one. I am not being legalistic here. I am standing up for modesty. I am appealing to those who see this and who can forward it, to not give the Amish more fuel for their legalistic philosophies which will lead them to a dark death of not knowing God’s love and grace.

Watch for my blog “The Benefits of Being Modest.”

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