Sunday, May 25, 2014

Family Time

It all started in too much of an hurry 45 years ago. Russell and I married, still being strangers, after just a few months of dating. A year after our marriage we had our first daughter, Bonita. She is married to Jerry and they have blessed us with three children, Logan 9, Sierra 7, and Vayla 4.

Three and a half years later Valencia came along. She is now married to Ken and they have given us 4 grandchildren. Micah is 15, Karis is 13, Moriah almost 5 and Judah almost 3. They reside in Spokane and pastor a church there, and are over a church plant in Moses Lake and over two Christian Schools.

Just after Bonita turned seven we had our third daughter, Lacinda. She was born to us at a time of extreme tests, but she added a lot to our home. She is married to Chris and the couple has four youngsters. Eliana is 8, Seth 7, Ashley 4 and Gracia 18 months.

Our children are a credit to the kingdom of God and we are blessed to have had spent time with them this past week. We have more blessings than we can count! Children are the glory to the grey head and can take God’s message where we will never be able to.

To Jerry and Bonita, Ken and Valencia and Chris and Lacinda…thank you for raising our grandchildren in the fear of God. They are destined to be God’s little lambs. We bless you all in the Name of Jesus.

Family 5-14

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